doctor talking to administrator

MSN Healthcare Policy

Affect the Future of Population Health through Policy

Healthcare Masters Programs: Master of Science in Nursing, Healthcare Policy Specialty Track 

Next Start Date |  March 03

MSN Healthcare Policy Track Courses


6 Courses

Health Policy: Advancing Health Equity and Outcomes

This course analyzes the foundational concepts that shape health outcomes and health-related policy interventions. Social determinants of health are explored along with strategies to reduce disparity. In addition, efforts to enhance healthcare quality are examined along with implications for advanced nursing practice. Professional competencies to support health outcomes and equity are emphasized.

Economics of Healthcare Policy

This course is an examination of the economics of healthcare on a national and global scale. Current policy involving financing of healthcare, health insurances, environmental and social issues related to health, and access to health services will be covered from an economic perspective. The effect of economic policy on patient outcomes and the role of nursing in healthcare economics will be explored. Develop skills in analyzing and improving healthcare systems and processes by integrating systems analysis, health systems engineering and quality healthcare management techniques.

Global Health

This course is an examination of globalization, global health systems and associated challenges. It also covers opportunities for nurses to bring about community health promotion for populations through policy work. Students will apply global health concepts through the use of theoretical frameworks that impact population health and safety outcomes. Ethical principles related to global and population health are explored. 

The Nurse Leader and Health Policy

In this course, leadership competencies are applied to advocate for health equity across complex organizational systems and diverse communities.  Health-related policy interventions designed to improve quality and reduce disparity are examined, along with implications for advanced nursing practice. Emphasis is placed on strategies to improve health outcomes.

Healthcare Policy Concluding Graduate Experience I & II

Healthcare Policy Concluding Graduate Experience I

This course requires student synthesis of concepts for both healthcare leadership and healthcare management, delivery of nursing services and educational components with role immersion through completion of a scholarly evidence-based proposal. 

Students develop a healthcare policy Concluding Graduate Experience (CGE) proposal utilizing evidence-based practice research, implementation, evaluation and dissemination models, in collaboration with CGE site stakeholders.

Healthcare Policy Concluding Graduate Experience II

In this course, students demonstrate comprehensive knowledge, skills and ability to critically think as a policy leader to improve health outcomes. Students and Concluding Graduate Experience (CGE) site stakeholders collaborate on the implementation and evaluation of the proposed healthcare policy CGE project to address a CGE site need.

Students use implementation, evaluation, dissemination and stakeholders' collaboration models in their project. Students complete the CGE practicum project with a manuscript-ready submission and presentation to healthcare administration and stakeholders. 

Join a Proudly Accredited Institution

Are you looking for an accredited MSN degree program?

Chamberlain University accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC),  an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

Chamberlain University confers online degrees from its Main Campus in Addison, IL.

Practicum option availability varies by state/location. Chamberlain reserves the right to update information as it becomes available. For a complete list, and to learn more, check out our authorizations or view our approvals in your state