Doctor and nurses demonstrating how to use an intravenous drip

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

With us behind you, you are ready to answer your calling

More than $4 Million in grants awarded for our BSN program in 2023

“Chamberlain made getting my BSN possible because of the flexibility of the classes. Using the new hybrid system, you’re able to not have to travel as much to get to the schools. The resources on campus made additional learning and additional needs more easily accessible.”
Lauri Gomez, BSN ’24

Three ways to earn your BSN degree

Shape Your BSN Program

Nursing BSN Clinical FAQs

Where will I complete my nursing school clinicals?

As a Chamberlain University BSN student, you may have opportunities to experience practice settings that include large and small hospitals, long-term care facilities, community and public health agencies, faith-based service organizations, independent practices, ambulatory care centers, public health agencies, military services (Army, Navy and Air Force), Veterans Health Administration medical centers, schools, home health environments … most places where healthcare is delivered. 

When do I participate in clinicals if I attend at campus location?

All BSN nursing students begin their hands-on learning in the SIMCARE CENTER™, located on each campus. There, you’ll care for simulated patients in various medical scenarios, including giving birth. You’ll receive feedback from instructors and grow comfortable with your nursing skills in a safe environment. Once fundamental skills have been mastered and validated, you’ll begin clinicals.

Generally, clinicals last for the duration of the clinical course. Clinical shifts average six to eight hours, one to two days per week. The BSN program has a total of 10 clinical courses.

What are some examples of clinical nursing courses?

Clinical BSN nursing classes include NR-328 Pediatric Nursing, NR 326 Mental Health Nursing and NR 442 Community Health Nursing. View a full sample BSN curriculum plan.

When do I participate in clinicals if I choose the BSN Online Option?

You will begin prepping for clinicals through virtually simulated patient encounters using i-Human Patients and in-home health kits. You will attend an in-person Skills Immersion where qualified faculty will evaluate your skills and preparedness prior to participating in clinical learning experiences.

Clinical learning experiences will take place at a partner site for up to eight days during a six-week time period of an eight-week session. The program has a total of 10 clinical courses and your clinical location may require travel.

“I tell everybody that nursing changed my life. Chamberlain instilled in me the value of being a lifelong learner. The learning doesn’t stop after you graduate. In fact, it gets more rigorous, because at this point, you are now responsible for somebody’s life.”
Phillip Adeleye, BSN ’22

BSN Nursing Program Locations

Attend a BSN program that works with your life


Combine 100% online classwork with in-person clinical learning experiences at our partner locations. Check to see if the BSN Online Option is available in your state. 

Evening & Weekend Option

Attend nursing school on nights and weekends, and still earn your bachelor’s degree in as few as three years on our Addison, Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Houston, Irving, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Miramar, North Brunswick, Pearland, Phoenix, Sacramento, Stockbridge, Troy and Tyson’s Corner campuses.

Campus Hybrid

Combine the benefits of online and on campus learning. Fewer hours commuting to and attending campus classes means you get time back – for however you want or need to spend it. Available at most Chamberlain campuses.

Quiz: Discover Your Best Learning Style

Online, Campus or Evening/Weekend

In-person? Hybrid? Online? In-person? Uncover your ideal learning style with this quiz and choose the nursing school experience that’s best for you.


Experience Unwavering Support

Pursuing a nursing degree isn’t always easy. We help you rise to the challenge.

With engaged faculty, professional and peer nurse tutors, NCLEX® prep, and 24/7 Center for Academic Success access, we’re with you every step of the way.

Transfer Nursing Programs


Credits on average are transferred


Prerequisites needed to enroll 


out of 10 Chamberlain students receive some form of financial assistance.

Chamberlain Bachelor of Science in Nursing FAQs

Explore frequently asked questions

Does Chamberlain have an LPN to BSN or LVN to BSN program?

Qualifying students with an LPN or LVN license have the opportunity to earn their BSN with up to nine proficiency credits, following skills validation tests and proficiency exams. And with our three-year BSN program option, you may be eligible to graduate even sooner. Call 877.751.5783 or request more information on this path.

Does Chamberlain accept transfer credits?

Chamberlain welcomes transfer students from other institutions. A credit evaluation will tell you exactly how many courses will transfer into the BSN program. Contact an Enrollment Representative to get started.

How much is the BSN program at Chamberlain?

Costs vary by student depending on individual circumstances. You can find the total BSN program cost by campus or online option here. It doesn’t include books and fees, and it doesn’t apply to students at the Sacramento, California, campus. You can find the total BSN program cost by campus or online option here.

Is Chamberlain University accredited?

Chamberlain is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and its nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).†

Bachelor of Science in Nursing FAQ

What is a BSN degree?

A BSN degree is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing

What is the difference between RN and BSN?

A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) is the degree you earn. Registered nurse (RN) is a job title or the licensure you are granted through your state to practice. Read more here.

What is the difference between ADN and BSN?

ADN stands for associate degree in nursing, while a BSN is a bachelor’s degree in nursing. Both programs are pre-licensure programs that are pathways to becoming a registered nurse. While an ADN will get you into the workforce quicker, more employers are starting to favor the BSN degree. Find out more here: ADN vs. BSN: Explore the Difference.

How long is nursing school?

This will depend on what educational path you take. An associate degree typically takes two years, while a bachelor’s degree in a nursing program will usually take three to four years.

Required BSN Courses

BSN Courses

9 Courses

NR-224: Fundamentals: Skills

Students are introduced to the fundamental skills of professional nursing. An introductory unit of physics provides the basis for understanding concepts such as body mechanics, positioning and mobility. The laboratory component provides practice of selected fundamental nursing skills, as well as psychomotor skills necessary for care of individuals requiring assistance with mobility, hygiene and comfort. Included are basic principles of drug administration, teaching-learning and vital-sign assessment. Students have the opportunity to develop the beginning skills of a professional nurse through experiential learning.

NR-228: Nutrition, Health & Wellness

This course provides an overview of the basic nutrients required by the body for optimal health and wellness. The role that nutrition plays in various phases of the human life cycle and the psychological and sociological implications of food are discussed. Students use scientific thinking to question nutritional information presented in the various media and dispel any common nutrition myths. Students learn how the scientific method of inquiry is used in nutritional science and the health fields. In addition, the application of nutritional concepts to care for patients are studied. Lastly, conditions that are amenable to modification and possible cure by diet therapy and other nursing and medical interventions are explored.

NR-283: Pathophysiology

Select pathophysiologic processes of disease, clinical manifestations, complications and variations in wellness will be explored. Environmental and lifestyle influences are examined as well as other risks and influences on pathophysiological processes.

NR-293: Pharmacology for Nursing Practice

This course introduces a comprehensive approach to the clinical aspects of drug therapy, which are emphasized through the use of the nursing process, life span implications and basic principles of pharmacology. The course content includes several classifications of commonly prescribed medications, as well as selected complementary and alternative drugs. Within each classification, representative or prototype drugs are selected for study in terms of their mechanisms of action and therapeutic uses. Students apply knowledge of pharmacological concepts in the context of safe and effective nursing practice, which include methods of administration, safe dosage, side and adverse effects of medications, nursing implications and medication teaching.

NR-324: Adult Health I

The focus of this course is on the needs of adult patients and their families in relation to health promotion and management of conditions that require acute and chronic care. The nursing process is used in the discussion of health alterations affecting selected life processes. Students continue their professional skill development as members of the health team. A variety of populations and settings are used in the experiential learning component of this course.

NR-325: Adult Health II

This course focuses on alterations in life processes, including the effect on the patient’s family. The nursing process is used to make clinical decisions and foster health restoration and maintenance. Emphasis on discharge planning is included. A variety of populations and settings are used in the experiential learning component of this course.

NR-326: Mental Health Nursing

Emphasis is on the dynamics of an individual’s ability to function in society. The course focuses on content relative to anxiety, self concept, thought disorders, mood alterations, addictive behaviors, organic brain dysfunction, abuse and violence issues. It also incorporates health promotion and wellness issues such as stress management and personal growth. Therapeutic communication techniques, individual and group therapy practices and community mental-health resources are also incorporated. A variety of population and settings are used in the experiential learning component of this course.

NR-327: Maternal-Child Nursing

This course focuses on family-centered approaches to maternal/newborn care and incorporates health promotion and wellness issues. The childbearing cycle, including normal experience, high-risk factors, complications and alterations are studied. Additional women’s health issues are included. A variety of populations and settings are used in the experiential learning component of this course.

NR-328: Pediatric Nursing

Family-Centered care of children is the focus of this course, exploring issues of normal child care as well as health alterations of children from infancy through adolescence. Students participate as members of the multidisciplinary health team to provide health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance and rehabilitative care to children and families. A variety of population and settings are used in the experiential learning component of this course.