smiling nurse

Chamberlain Care®

Healthcare, at Its Core, is About Caring

Two nurses sitting next to a sunny window working on a laptop and taking notes in a notebook

Chamberlain Care®’s role in academic success: 

Chamberlain Care® at its core is about authentic empathy. Throughout our students’ academic journeys, they are supported by faculty who nurture their potential while teaching them the skills, competencies and knowledge they need to be successful.

Our graduates are educated, emboldened and empowered to pursue care for all in practice settings, healthcare agencies, schools, boardrooms and through legislation.

"Chamberlain Care"

We're With You Every Step of the Way

Early Assessments

Identifying potential barriers to student success

Customized Support Plan

Addressing areas for improvement before they affect students’ academic performance

Coaching Teams

Supporting new students as they navigate the challenges of nursing school

Customized Workshops

Sessions at the Center for Academic Success (CAS) to support the academic needs of each cohort

Academic Assessments & Live Review Sessions

Evaluating and reinforcing students’ knowledge midway through the nursing program and at the end

Comprehensive Nursing Review

Personalized 8-week program to help prepare students for success on the NCLEX-RN® exam