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Not Your Average Suitcase: Students Prepare for International Service Trip
by Molly Mattison

Chamberlain College of Nursing students, alumni and faculty embarked on an International Nursing Service Project Trip to the Philippines on Jan. 9.
Addison campus student Danielle Jocson shared her packing tips for international service trips on her blog. Highlights below:
- Make a list of everything you will need and don’t procrastinate—pack early!
- Talk with your friends and others on the trip so you don’t double up or spend money on items you could share.
- Ziplock bags are your best friend! I packed some of my outfits individually in bags, so I won’t have to search for a particular clothing item.
- Trip organizers will remind you, but don’t forget to spray your clothes with bug spray a day or two before you leave. I packed everything in my suitcase now so I’m sure I have everything, then I will take everything out and spray them individually a day before.
- Bring a garbage bag and use it for dirty clothes.
Don’t forget to pack hair ties and headbands to pull your hair back! Here’s the rest of my packing list:
- 7 scrub bottoms
- 7 T-shirts
- One scrub top for surgical days
- 17 pairs of underwear
- 4 bras (sports and regular)
- 5 pairs of socks
- Swimsuit
- Sleepwear
- 2 pairs of flip flops (one specifically for the shower)
- 2 pairs of gym shoes
- One pair of nice sandals
- Bar of soap
- Toothbrush with cover
- Unscented deodorant
- Mosquito net for sleeping
- Bug spray
- Shampoo/conditioner (I’m planning to buy this at our destination!)
By Molly Mattison
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