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Chamberlain Adds Las Vegas , Detroit Metro Campuses
Chamberlain College of Nursing has announced its newest campuses in Las Vegas, Nevada and metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. These are the 15th and 16th campuses for Chamberlain, after the opening of the Pearland, Texas campus earlier this year.
The Las Vegas campus aims to grow the nursing workforce to meet state demand.
Nevada has the nation’s fourth-lowest number of registered nurses per 100,000 people at 724.7, far lower than the national average of 920.9.[i] Further accelerating a need for nurses is the state’s growing population of residents over age 65, which is projected to nearly double by 2020.[ii]
Additionally, healthcare is Nevada’s fastest-growing industry. From 2002 to 2012, the state’s healthcare and social assistance sector led all industries in total job development, adding more than 30,000 jobs.[iii] Nevada healthcare employers are projected to add 13,527 jobs by 2020.[iv] Chamberlain’s Las Vegas campus increases access to education for prospective nurses interested in entering this booming industry.
“Nevada consistently lags behind other states in the number of nurses per capita,” said Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03). “As a physician, I know well the positive impact nurses have on quality of care and patient outcomes. The opening of the new Chamberlain College of Nursing campus will help meet the increasing healthcare demands of our community and offer Nevadans a great option to launch into the nursing profession. I welcome Chamberlain to district three and look forward to working with them in the future.”
The metro Detroit campus is located in Troy, Michigan, and opens with a similar goal of filling the critical and growing need for nursing education in the area. Michigan is one of many states facing an impending nursing shortage, with a projected shortfall of 18,000 nurses by 2015.[v]
In Michigan, several factors are driving demand for primary care services: the rapidly growing population of baby boomers age 65 and older, who constitute 20 percent of the population and have more chronic healthcare needs; 1.5 million newly insured patients entering the healthcare marketplace by 2015; and the anticipated retirement of more than 40 percent of the state’s registered nurse (RN) workforce within 10 years.[vi],[vii]
“The city of Troy has good reason to be proud of its quality educational opportunities,” said Troy Mayor Dane Slater. “Chamberlain College of Nursing, moving into Troy, adds to this fine tradition, and we welcome Chamberlain’s nursing students. I am glad that Troy attracted a regionally-accredited college that educates students for a high-demand field, such as nursing.”
Locations and features
The Las Vegas campus is located in northwest Las Vegas at 9901 Covington Cross Drive and the Troy campus is located 21 miles north of Detroit at 200 Kirts Blvd. Both new campuses offer an on-site Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program that can be completed in as few as three years of year-round study instead of the typical four years with summers off.
Both campuses also feature a SIMCARE CENTER™, which provides high-tech simulated patient care in clinical learning environments and a Center for Academic Success, which delivers comprehensive academic resources and support for students.
The learning experience is grounded in Chamberlain Care, an approach that includes a unique student academic success model. Through extraordinary student care, students are empowered to achieve their career goals and to deliver exceptional patient care.
Open houses
And initial open houses for prospective students will be held at the Las Vegas campus on Tuesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 23rd from 4-7 p.m. For more information about Chamberlain College of Nursing’s Las Vegas campus or to RSVP, visit chamberlain.edu/lasvegas.
Initial open houses for prospective students will be held at the Troy campus on Wednesday, October 22nd and Friday, October 24th from 4-7 p.m. For more information about Chamberlain College of Nursing’s Troy campus or to RSVP, visit chamberlain.edu/troy.
[i] Administration on Aging: Projected Future Growth of the Older Population. Web. http://www.aoa.gov/AoARoot/Aging_Statistics/future_growth/future_growth.aspx
[ii] Office of Health Professions Research and Policy Office of Statewide Initiatives University of Nevada School of Medicine. Health Workforce in Nevada, 2013 Edition. Web. http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Interim/77th2013/Exhibits/HealthCare/E010814B-1.pdf
[iii] Office of Health Professions Research and Policy Office of Statewide Initiatives University of Nevada School of Medicine. Health Workforce in Nevada, 2013 Edition. Web. http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Interim/77th2013/Exhibits/HealthCare/E010814B-1.pdf
[iv] Michigan Nurse Mapping Project, Planning for Michigan's Nursing Workforce. Michigan Public Health Institute, n.d. Web. 06 Aug. 2014. <http://www.minursemap.org/>.
[v] Task Force on Nursing Practice. Rep. Michigan Department of Community Health, Apr. 2012. Web. <http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/FINALTFNP_Final_Report_5_10_12_v8a_393189_7.pdf>.
[vi] Michigan Center for Nursing Survey of Nurses 2013: Southeast Health Service Area. Rep. N.p.: Michigan Center for Nursing, n.d. Web. <http://www.michigancenterfornursing.org/initiatives/data>.
[vii] Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Professions. National Center for Health Workforce Analysis: The U.S. Nursing Workforce: Trends in Supply and Education, April 2013. Web. http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/healthworkforce/reports/nursingworkforce/nursingworkforcefullreport.pdf
By Ryan Segovich
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