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Top 5 Reasons to Get Involved in Nursing School
Addison BSN student Aileen Russo is involved with a wide variety of student organizations and projects at Chamberlain College of Nursing, from student government to tutoring in the Center for Academic Success. She made Chamberlain proud when she sang the National Anthem at a Chicago Cubs game, and will leave for an International Nursing Service Project to the Philippines next month. She discusses why it’s so important to get involved in nursing school below:
Have you been looking for new ways to get involved both on and off campus? Are you a new nursing school student who is looking to expand your circle of friends and acquaintances? Or perhaps you’re a more seasoned student who is in need of a change of pace before graduation. If any of those statements sound familiar, it’s time you consider joining one of the many student organizations available to you at Chamberlain. In no particular order, here are my top five reasons why you should:
1. Volunteer Experiences
Every student organization on campus has a focus on giving back to the community through volunteerism. Several events are held throughout the year and announced in advance to its members. Among many things, your participation shows your desire to give back without necessarily receiving anything in return.
2. Networking
It’s time people got to know you! The opportunities to meet new people are endless. From new friendships with peers who are in different parts of the program, to the development of professional relationships with staff and faculty, the payoff is invaluable. These relationships offer the opportunity for job referrals or letters of recommendations in the future, among the many other benefits. The doors that can potentially open for you are tremendous.
3. Leadership
Whether you’re a natural born leader or just looking for a way to dust-off or channel your hidden management skills, becoming an executive board member (ex. President of Student Government or Secretary of the National Student Nurses Association) can help you become an effective leader. Not only is this a fantastic way to refine your leadership abilities, but taking a leadership role can assist you in areas like communication, delegation, planning, time management and team-building.
4. Fun
Let’s face it; we need more of this while in nursing school. Build lasting memories and laugh with your friends at various volunteer events, gatherings and on-campus activities. Make volunteer events more enjoyable by gathering your closest nursing school friends for an afternoon at places like a food pantry or a recycling center.
5. Resume Builder
It goes without saying that the time you put into an organization will ultimately help you fill out that resume. Just remember, being a member isn’t enough — being an ACTIVE member is! With opportunities regularly at your fingertips, you might even have to cut down on all the activities you participate in and list on your resume.
There you have it! If you’re not involved yet but have interest, find out from your student advisor what student organizations on your campus would be a great fit for you.
Are you in a student organization? What motivated you to join? Share your story in the comments!
By Aileen Russo
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